Divorce and Leaving Marital Residence

One of the most common questions asked at the beginning of a divorce case is whether my client can move out of the house. Most of the time, my advice is to stay. Often, it is not what my clients want to hear, however, there may be good reasons not to leave.

The most significant ones are as follows:

Initially, any such move will fundamentally change each party’s negotiating position. In a typical divorce case, if one party stays in the marital home, the other party may be directed by the court to contribute to the mortgage. At the same time, the party who moved out will have other expenses related to their new residence. This clearly places that party in a disadvantageous financial position.

Leaving the home may jeopardize that party’s custody claim. In a custody dispute, if the children remain in the home with the other spouse, this is highly likely to damage the moving party’s custody claim. If the case takes a long time to resolve, the facts on the ground, i.e., the residents of the children will work against that party. The courts tend to perpetuate the status quo with respect to custodial arrangements, and that means that the court would not be likely to direct the children to move, and would be likely to continue existing visitation arrangements.

The move may also have an effect on equitable distribution since it is not uncommon for the courts to grant to the party who was paying expenses associated with the home a credit for the payments made. The credit may significantly impact each party’s financial situation at the end of the divorce. It may have other economic impacts on the parties as well.

The same question receives a different answer if there is domestic violence in the home. Above all other considerations, I advise my clients to protect themselves. In situations involving domestic violence, it is possible to have your spouse removed from the home by obtaining an order of protection even prior to the commencement of a divorce action.

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